Our Guests
Here you will find brief rescue stories on both current & previous guests, their adoption status, and Photos of their journey with the Lizard Lounge

Status: Permanent resident
Skittles was the very first member of Lizard Lounge! Being found in a garage with no heat or lighting,we were lucky to meet him and give him the second chance he deserved.
Permanent resident
Sammy was found in New Jersey, after living in a fish tank for 6 years. She came to us with a very serious infection on her chin. Improper UVB lighting caused Metabolic Bone Disease which also affected her jaw and caused the loss of her teeth. Sammy is now thriving and stealing hearts, including but not limited to Skittles.

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Status: Available
Alfredo was found in Missouri, in a basement room with very little heat and lighting. He had a very large and deeply infected abcess on his jaw, preventing him from eating. With the help of Grand Traverse Veterinary Hospital and months of antibiotic injections, he is now thriving!
Status: Adopted
Speedy was found in Cheboygan MI, unfortunately being mistreated by the pet store Tails & Scales. She was in a small glass tank with improper heat, humidity, diet and UVB lighting. She was scared, underweight and needed her second chance. She is unfortunately A carrier of AdenoVirus, but that hasn't stopped her from living her best life.

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